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Big data x business

Topics in data, analytics and AI for a business audience

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Big data x business


A French version of the method is available -> here <- .

This content is designed by Clement Levallois, Associate Professor and Chaired Segeco professor in data valuation at emlyon business school. .

These modules provide to managers an understanding of technical concepts which are now at the center of the business world: APIs, data visualization, machine learning, network analysis, text mining, big data, data protection, etc.

Each of these topics is covered more in depth in different courses at emlyon business school: see full list here.

9 modules covering important topics in big data

Each module consists in lecture materials, a bibliography and a quiz. Some modules come with an accompanying video. Check the table of content below!

Group projects

A group project can be added to these lessons. It consists in creating a collective podcast. Each group of participants must identify an expert to interview and will record an episode.

-> Check the podcasts recorded by emlyon participants in 2017/2018.

Table of content