Intro to electronics with Arduino

Are you ready to dive into domotic, robotics and IoT? In this module, you will learn how to use the electronics available at the makers' lab, and to make your first Arduino circuits and programs using Tinkercad.



Watch the video above first, then answer the quiz to make sure you understand the main notions. Some questions may need to look up elsewhere through a quick Internet search!

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Make it happen!

This assignment is mandatory. If you update your work but the link doesn't change, you don't need to re-submit it.


Tinkercad Circuit is a tool to protoype electronics in your browser. It's part of the software suite Tinkercad wich is a free online collection of software tools that help people all over the world think, create and make.

Arduino is an open-source electronic prototyping platform enabling users to create interactive electronic objects. The UNO is the best board to get started with electronics and coding.


You have to create a free account on Tinkercad Circuit to make your project.

Prototype a Traffic Light Trigger based on circuits and code from "Hello Arduino", "Blinking Leds" and "Using Button" by creating a circuit with 3 LEDs (one red, one orange, one green) and one button. The program has to fullfil the following scenario:

  1. On boot, the red LED should be turned on, the orange and green ones should be turned off.
  2. When the button is pressed, the red one turns off and the green one turns on for a few seconds.
  3. Then, the green one turns off and orange turns on for 1 second.
  4. Finally, orange turns off and red turns on, until the button is pressed again.
Traffic Light Trigger Circuit
This is what your circuit should look like, and how it should behave.



In order to share your circuit with us, you'll need to make it public:

The due date has expired. You can no longer submit your work.

Before submitting, make sure you check all of the criteria below.

Going further


Arduino originally started as a research project at the Interaction Design Institute of Ivrea (Italy) in the early 2000s. The first Arduino board was introduced in 2005 to help design students (who had no previous experience in electronics or microcontroller programming) to create working prototypes connecting the physical world to the digital world. Since then it has become a popular electronics prototyping tool.

Arduino is an open-source hardware and software ecosystem. The company offers a range of software tools, hardware platforms and documentation enabling almost anybody to be creative with technology. Arduino boards are able to read inputs (light on a sensor, a finger on a button, or a Twitter message) and turn it into an output (activating a motor, turning on an LED, publishing something online).

A worldwide community of makers (students, hobbyists, artists, programmers, and professionals) has gathered around this open-source platform, and their contributions have added up to an incredible amount of accessible knowledge that can be of great help to novices and experts alike. The community helps debug the code, writes examples, creates tutorials and supports other users on the forums. The openness and ease-of-use of the project has led to mass adoption of micro-controller based electronics projects and was a catalyst in the creation of the Maker Movement.


