package; import com.codename1.ui.Container; import com.codename1.ui.Image; import com.codename1.ui.layouts.BorderLayout; import com.codename1.ui.layouts.GridLayout; import com.codename1.ui.util.Resources; public class Form1 extends com.codename1.ui.Form { Resources theme; public Form1() { theme = Resources.getGlobalResources(); Image grandmaPic = theme.getImage("grandma_50x50.png"); Image farmPic = theme.getImage("farm_50x37.png"); Image clickPic = theme.getImage("click_50x64.png"); Image cookieCentraPic = theme.getImage("cookie_200x200.png"); Image cookiePressedPic = theme.getImage("cookie_200x200_star.png"); //we put the Form in a Grid layout: 3 rows, to divide the screen in three equal spaces. GridLayout gridLayoutThreeByOne = new GridLayout(3, 1); this.setLayout(gridLayoutThreeByOne); //we don't want the screen to be scrollable: everything should fit in it. this.setScrollable(false); //we create a Container that will contain everything in the "North" part of the BorderLayout: Container northRegion = new Container(); //we choose a Border Layout for this container: BorderLayout borderLayoutNorth = new BorderLayout(); northRegion.setLayout(borderLayoutNorth); //we create a Container that will contain everything in the "Center" part of the screen: Container centerRegion = new Container(); //we choose a Grid Layout for this container: GridLayout gridLayoutFourByOne = new GridLayout(4, 1); centerRegion.setLayout(gridLayoutFourByOne); //we set this region to be scrollable, because there is too much content to fit centerRegion.setScrollableY(true); //we create a Container that will contain everything in the "South" part of the BorderLayout: Container southRegion = new Container(); //we choose a Border Layout for this container: BorderLayout blSouth = new BorderLayout(); southRegion.setLayout(blSouth); // we add the three containers to the Form, which is in a Gridlayout (three rows) // The northRegion will be in the top row because we add it first, // The centerRegion will be in the 2nd row because we add it in second // The southRegion will be in the 3rd row because we add it last. this.addComponent(northRegion); this.addComponent(centerRegion); this.addComponent(southRegion); } }