This course is an introduction to coding and programming through a simple project: creating a mobile app that runs natively on Android and iOS smartphones.
This course is open: all the lecture materials are free and can be reused, under a Creative Commons licence.
Tutorials available in web pages, pdf, slides, and ebooks!
The course was originally made of videos and Word documents. They are now written with asciidoc, a format which makes it easy to convert these tutorials in slides, web pages, and pdf documents. Basically, sharing and collaborating online becomes easier, without being blocked by a proprietary file format.
Questions and answers? Using Github issues
I moved to Github as a way to handle Q & As. Read the lesson about how to use it!
Start here!
- Welcome!
- Module 1. Setup of NetBeans and Codename One: the tools we need to create a first app
- Installing NetBeans and the "Codename One" plugin if you have a Mac computer. ( web page, slides, pdf, source)
- Installing NetBeans and the "Codename One" plugin if you have a PC. ( web page, slides, pdf, source)
- Checking for updates of the "Codename One" plugin ( web page, slides, pdf, source)
- Creating a project and previewing your first app ( web page, slides, pdf, source)
- Module 2. Essential notions of software development and creation of screens (aka "Forms") for the app
- Module 3. Designing the app: styling and layout of the user interface
- Module 4. Testing your app on Android and iPhones, releasing your app on Google's Play Stor and Apple's App Store
- Quick overview of the process to test and release apps ( web page, slides, pdf, source)
- Testing on Android phones and publishing on Google's Play Store ( web page, slides, pdf, source)
- Testing on iPhones and publishing on Apple's App Store ( web page, slides, pdf, source)
- Errors in the test and release process: how to fix them ( web page, slides, pdf, source)
- Module 5. Essentials of coding
- Variables and objects: to define and store stuff ( web page, slides, pdf, source)
- Classes and methods: to make your app do stuff, and organize your code ( web page, slides, pdf, source)
- A toolkit of essential coding tricks to make your app agile, fast, and able to handle a lot of variables ( web page, slides, pdf, source)
- Coding cheatsheet - a handy summary of this module ( web page, pdf, source)
- Module 6. Designing the mobile version of the Cookie clicker (by Orteil)
- Module 7. Animating the app